We currently have precautionary measures in place to protect our patients and staff. Read more

In the beginning

Very early on, Cabrini had a vision to grow and continue to attract the best talent in clinicians, therefore it had to make a commitment to fostering and encouraging a research culture.

Cabrini Research was established in 1996. It was then, and still is today, an extremely novel venture in private healthcare.

Working together

In its incredible 25 year history, Cabrini Research has saved lives, made headlines and, ultimately, paved the way for research into the future.

We have made significant advances because of our collaborations with universities, research institutes, other healthcare providers, industry, and the willingness of our patients and consumers to participate and be involved in research.

Great research success requires great supporters and Cabrini Research has been incredibly fortunate to have an extremely dedicated and generous community of donors who are committed to supporting research.

We make positive change every day through research. Cabrini researchers make incredible contributions, improving patient outcomes and the delivery of healthcare worldwide.

World leading research that has changed lives and outcomes

We hope you can take a few moments to read through our book that celebrates 25 years of world leading research. Our researchers have made transformative discoveries that have;

  • Changed policy, guidelines and behaviours to improve healthcare delivery and patient choices
  • Delivered clinical trials that have changed practice and provided opportunities for patients to access new therapies
  • Generated translational research that will be the future of personalised medicine
  • Built databases that will drive research questions and improve patient outcomes
  • Made advances in medical, workforce and technology that will improve how we deliver healthcare and improve patient outcomes

Tomorrow is a new day

Read about research achievements and outcomes that have helped shaped Cabrini Research’s success, and founded the strong research programs and collaborations we have today.

We hope you will stay connected with us, as we continue to make healthcare breakthroughs now and into the future.