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Matt’s race of a lifetime


In late 2020, Matthew Richardson was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Matthew, a keen runner, attended his GP with pain in his lower back, however within a few short days he found himself at Cabrini undergoing treatment for blood cancer.

“The pain I was feeling was actually the result of the cancer, which had manifested itself as an 8cm tumour on my lower spine,” he said.

“Over the next six months I was treated at Cabrini under the excellent care of the Blood Unit, and I’m thankfully now 18 months in remission.”

Matthew’s cancer went into remission after just two chemotherapy sessions; however, his rehabilitation journey took some time.

“After months of intense remediation, exercise physiology and physiotherapy, I was finally able to resume running which, from only being able to walk with the support of a stick the year before, was an amazing breakthrough.

“Unfortunately, the damage caused by the tumour to the nerves down my right side resulted in a torn meniscus to the right knee and the need for minor surgery.

“After that, with more physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and a few other false starts, I was finally ready to begin running again.”

As he began building his fitness, Matthew decided to set himself a lofty goal – running a half marathon at the 2023 Melbourne Marathon Festival.

Matthew successfully crossed the finish line on Sunday October 15 and credited the amazing achievement to the staff at Cabrini who helped get him back to full health.

“I’m still not as quick as I used to be, but without the expert care of Cabrini and the Blood Unit I would not be able to undertake this challenge.

“As a gesture to them I am starting this fundraiser for Lymphoma research.

“I’ve always been active, even when I was receiving my treatment, I’d get over 6,000 steps up just walking around the unit.

We’ve joked that the money I raise will go towards replacing the carpets I wore out with all my walking.”

To contribute to Cabrini Foundation’s current appeal, visit: