We currently have precautionary measures in place to protect our patients and staff. Read more

Pastoral services

Coming to hospital can be a challenging time and many feelings may surface. We want you to feel fully cared for and supported during your stay.

Pastoral practitioners are part of the hospital team who are trained to offer emotional and spiritual support for you and your family, when this may be helpful.

Our team is sensitive to and respectful of different faith traditions (or none), beliefs and cultural needs.  We want everyone to feel welcome and supported at Cabrini.

Our professionally qualified and experienced pastoral practitioners are here to support you through this challenging time. They are available for one-off or multiple visits, and will:

  • Listen to you with compassion
  • Extend a non-anxious presence and companionship to you
  • Assist you to identify and name your own lifelong sources of strength, hope, meaning and purpose
  • Link you with your own spiritual and faith representatives if requested
  • Connect you with rituals, sacraments, texts and prayers you may desire
  • Deliver spiritual and emotional support to your families and loved ones
  • Refer you to other appropriate professional services if requested
  • Guarantee your privacy and confidentiality at all times

Download our brochure
or contact us at for more information.

Bereavement services

We understand that the loss of a loved one can come with an intense feeling of grief.

Grieving is a natural and health response to loss, however the experience may affect you on many levels and can be very challenging.

Our bereavement support for families and relatives includes:

  • A phone call to convey our sympathy soon after the death of your loved one
  • A follow up letter with information about external resources
  • An invitation to a memorial service at Cabrini Malvern
  • A first anniversary card

Download our brochureor contact us at for more information.

Memorial services

Cabrini memorial services at the Malvern chapel

Tuesday at 6.30 pm Remembering Period
27 February 2024 1 June 2023 – 30 September 2023
25 June 2024 1 October 2023 – 31 January 2024
19 November 2024 1 February 2024 – 31 May 2024

Chaplaincy services

  • Faith chaplains and volunteers from faith communities visit the hospital and are available at your request.
  • Catholic Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick are available on request.
  • Jewish Shabbat boxes are delivered on Friday evenings to all Jewish patients.

Religious services

Catholic Mass

  • Malvern Chapel – each Thursday at 12 noon
  • Brighton Chapel – 1st Wednesday of the month at 11am

Anglican Service

  • Malvern Chapel – each Tuesday at 12 noon