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Birth Skills

$75 per couple (only one ticket is required per couple)

Facilitated by a women’s health physiotherapist this practical Birth Skills session aims to empower women and their support person to break the stress response that can occur in labour.

These life skills include movement, positioning, massage, breath awareness, relaxation and TENS, which can also be applied to the postnatal period.

Early physical recovery following birth will also be explored.

(Rebates may be available from your private health insurer with extras cover)

Please note: Your booking will not be accepted until you click ‘Place Order’ in the checkout. You can add all types of different classes to the cart.

Book now
  • Date & Time

    Sat Dec 14, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Location

    In person - SOLD OUT

  • $


    $75.00 per class

Booking Form

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